Gallina to Radicofani 8/9/17

8/9/17 Friday
Day 36

Gallina- Radicofani 17 km

Sun and clouds, cool with breezes

Up 0500 for 0530 start in the dark.
Follow farm lanes to Le Briccole where an abandoned and decrepit San Pelligrino church with an adjacent hospice is documented as a major stop in the 13th century.
Peaceful climbs. Follow a river, meet the Brazilian girls; I swim and build Zen.
Pass more abandoned buildings- some of which are new projects; I'm told later this is due to mafia extortion.
Music on. Walking easily without pain. Feeling very elevated.
Pass sheep in a barn; I'm acutely and uncomfortably aware of my freedom and of their captivity.
Views behind to Castiglioni and ahead to Radicofani.
Wooded paths into the town, motorcyclists are heading there too.
Purple crocuses are pushing up through the ground.
Paths lined with herbs.
Passed a wild dog with puppies and a burnt forest where a white dog appeared out of the charred scrub- certainly looked like a wolf. Goats roaming. White cattle.

After midday I'm sitting in town at a park under pine trees where I drink cheap red wine from a carton and eat fresh bread. I haven't yet had many chances to soak up ambiance like this. I strolled through town and as the supermarket lady had already delayed her lunch for me, I hurriedly bought the wine which now is my only source of hydration.
Pine cones and cicadas, the swaying of the pines and crickets in the night.
The ferocity of the summer has passed.

Radicofani is a protected world-site. The cute streets are decked in medieval flags, potted geraniums and tiled signs. The tower holds significance – it was bombed by the Germans June 1944 and rebuilt.
The reticent Brazilians agree it was wise to split the last days into two stages.
The life of the pilgrim is fascinating: we're all in one room with our meager belongings and all about us are sleeping bags and packs.
Enjoyed today and the spirit of other people.
In the Ostello kitchen I meet bare-chested Giancarlo, bath towel around his waist. He has Italian ethnicity; his family emigrated to England. Within a short time we're talking about the MOL and God. There are feelings of unity.

There's a white-bearded Russian pastor here on pilgrimage.

And, disappointingly, Giancarlo was not sporting a gold medallion around his neck.

10 Accommodation St Pietro
25 Supplies and food


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